what has manifested in the russian borders over the past few weeks speaks volumes on the double standards of the international community when it comes to acting on matters of justice is concerned.
it is but common knowledge that georgian troops attacked and devastated the city of tshkhanville without any provocation and that tantamounts to genocide if we consider the fact that over 2000 south ossetians were killed over a matter of 2 days mostly women and children who were defenseless against georgian tanks and ground forces trained by american and israeli forces...
what the georgian military has done is genocide and needs to be taken up at the international court of justice....when slobadan milosevic did the same thing in case of serbia there was a huge outcry where exactly has the reaction disappeared...
we need to set clear parameters for what is acceptable behaviour and react sternly to any country that violates the code of conduct
the issue is had russia not intervened timely the georgian forces would have crushed ossetia and tried out the same thing in abkhazia as wellthis would have set a very nasty precedent of a country taking over breakaway provinces by force using people as cannon fodder in the process and would spell disaster for such troubled regions all over mainly in the middle east or the newly created kosovo or kurdistan
such irresponsible acts need to be nipped at the bud itself...else countries like israel and USA will take these pilot projects to effect trans border changes...
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